Hi, I am Nicolas Nichols

front-end and Back-end developer

a picture of Jane Smith smiling

What I do

Design + Development

I design and devlop I design and develop fully functioning websites and web applications using the following Programing lanugues and Platforms, which are C++, C, Java, JavaScript, MySQL, SQL, ASP.NET/Visual basic, ,PHP ,HTML, CSS..

My Work

Who I am

Designer & developer/progammer based in Trinidad and Tobago

I am a passionate developer I that absolutely love the creative and problem solving process that is involved in developing and engineering innovative new applications and solutions. I Starting of with PHP,JavaScript, HTML & CSS VB, C++ and MYSQL and evolving my knowledge base to include Java,JavaScript frameworks, backend programming, design, cloud services and much much more..

I am a product design & UX finatic, Carefully crafting and designing amazing user experiences allows me to express and experiment with every morsel of creativity I have. I love the challenge of learning new design concepts and enabling users with amazing online experiences

My work

A selection of my range of work

Smol Store is a merchanising store

File management system web application which manages the lifecycle of a File which was build using html, css, bootstrap, JavaScript, php and MySQL

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